About Grace + Vine Climate-Friendly Wines™
Who we are:
A team of dedicated Earth lovers who happen to also have a lot of experience in the wine industry. Our network of relationships built over several decades allows us to have access to some of the highest quality grapes and wines, so that we can bring you these organically grown gems.
How do we make our wine:
We are a negotiant model, meaning that we buy grapes and bulk wine from various vineyards and wine producers. Our winemaking team then will finish the wine, make any desired blends, and procure all the elements to bottle the wine. This allows us to both economically support smaller producers doing right by the planet as well as offer a diversity and breadth of wines to our customers.
What is the negotiant model:
The negotiant model is actually how the wine industry was founded. It is only in recent decades that the popularity of Estate wines – meaning the wine was grown and bottled on the same property – came into being. For centuries, vineyard owners would farm the wine, and then sell the grapes to someone who then made the wine. Then, those who made the wine would sell to the actual producer who labeled the wine. This is still a common practice in much of the world. For us, it allows us to have access to a variety of regions and premier vineyards so that we can offer the best to our customer, while also supporting Climate-Friendly farming in as many areas of as possible in the US.
Do you have imported wine:
No. Our mission is to support the transition of farming – most specifically, wine farming – from conventional to regenerative organic in the United States.
What are ‘Climate-Friendly Wines’:
While we focus primarily on HOW our wines are grown, meaning that they work to adhere to the principles of regeneration, at a minimum no harmful chemicals are used in farming, we also believe that every part of the process is important to be climate friendly. This means taking into account how heavy our bottle is ( we use the lightest weighing wine glass possible and is made in America ), what we use for bottle closure (the cork tree in one of the most regenerative on Earth, and sequesters carbon in the process), even our labels are made by reusing citrus pulp. We also work to limit our carbon footprint as much as possible by limiting transportation of products (this means bottling wine near where it is made, and storing it at the nearest warehouse possible), working with shippers who carbon offset, and only using recyclable materials.

Every wine is lab tested by a certified independent enologist. Each wine must meet the following criteria:
Lower Alcohol
Lower Sulfites
How do I sign up for membership?
What do I get for my membership?
Can I order wine without a membership?
Can I gift a membership?

The UN predicts that in the next 55-60 years, we will lose all of our current topsoil if we keep farming conventionally.
Regenerative viticulture and agriculture with the inclusion of livestock actually creates a carbon SINK – meaning the gasses produced by the animals are actually LESS than the amount of carbon and gasses that the soil stores.
Regenerative Viticulture and Agriculture manages top soil erosion by creating WATER RETENTION – creating a solution for many vineyards and farms currently facing drought.
Regenerative Viticulture and Agricutlure has the ability to REVERSE desertification.
The healthier the organic matter in the soil – meaning the MICROBIAL life in the soil – has a DIRECT relationship to the health of our own gut microbiomes.
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